Chui Pen Cao - Stringy Stonecrop (Herba Sedi)
Properties: sweet, bland, slightly sour, cool. Channels: Liver, Gallbladder, Small Intestine.
Action and indication: clears heat, resolves toxicity, promotes the resolution of dampness, reduces jaundice. In contemporary China it is a very commonly
used ingredient in prescriptions designed to treat hepatitis, with or without jaundice. It is used for acute, persistent, and active forms of hepatitis.
Contraindicated: for either yin-type flat abscesses or yin-type jaundice. A large dosage can lead to vomiting and diarrhea, but no other toxic effects are known. Allergic skin reactions have also been reported.
Dose: 15-30 g.
La Medicina Alternativa y Natural de Miami
7175 sw 8 st, Suite 208
Miami, Fl 33144
teléfono celular: 786 444 3232