7175 sw 8 st, Suite 208
Miami, Fl 33144
teléfono celular: 786 444 3232
La Medicina Alternativa y Natural de Miami
Fen Mi, Bai Mi (Honey)
Properties: Sweet, neutral. Channels: Spleen, Lung, Large Intestine
Action and indication: Tonify the middle burner and moderate spasmodic pain. For middle burner deficient cold with cold pain in the epigastrium and abdomen. (Fen Mi + Bai Shao, Gui Zhi).
Moisten the Lung and stop coughing. For Lung deficiency with chronic cough and dry throat.
Lubricate the intestines to unblock the obstruction of bowel movements. For Intestinal dryness due to yin deficiency. (Fen Mi + Dang Gui + Huo Ma Ren).
Fen Mi is the antidote for Wu Tou and Fu Zi.
Contraindicated: 15-30 g. It can be dissolved in warm water or added to pills and syrup.