Fu Shi – Pumice (Volcanic Scoria) (Pumex)

Properties: Cold, Salty. Channels: Lung

Action and indication: Phlegm-heat cough. (Ke Xue Fang)

Scrofula, nodules due to phlegm and Qi accumulation.

Contraindicated for cough due to deficiency Cold.  Decoct in cheesecloth.

6-15 g

Note: Fu hai shi – constaziae skeleton (Costaziae Os): there are clearly differences between Costazie Os (Fu hai shi) and Pumex (Fu Shi) but when it is unclear which substance is referred the term used is Pumex/Costazie Os (Hai Fu Shi)

There are clearly differences between Costazie Os (Fu hai shi) and Pumex (Fu Shi) but when it is unclear which substance is referred the term used is Pumex/Costazie Os (Hai Fu Shi).

One is pumice, a type of volcanic rock. It is specifically known as floating stone (fu shi). The other is the skeleton of a marine organism of the genus Costazia. It resembles coral; it is whitish yellow or light grey in color, but does not sink. It has a slightly fishy odor and a salty flavor. These substances
are fully interchangeable in the clinic.

​La Medicina Alternativa y Natural de Miami

Miami Acupuntura #1

​​​​​​7175 sw 8 st, Suite 208

Miami, Fl 33144 ​​​

​teléfono celular: ​786 444 3232

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Logo oficial of Miami Acupuntura


Miami Acupuntura #2

​​​​​​7988 sw 8 st, 

Miami, Fl 33144

​teléfono celular: ​786 574 1019​​​