Yin Xing, Bai Guo - Ginkgo Nut (Semen Ginkgo Bilobae)

Properties: Neutral, Sweet, Bitter Astringent. Channels: Kidney, Lung

Action: Stabilizes Lower Jiao (prepared), Expels phlegm (raw), Stops wheezing (prepared), Leaches damp

Indications: Wheezing/cough with copious sputum. Leukorrhea/turbid urine due to damp–heat. Memory loss/early stage. Alzheimer’s and other degenerative disease

Dose: 6–10 g

Sligthly toxic, In raw form use smaller dose to prevent poisoning

Miami Acupuntura #2

​​​​​​7988 sw 8 st, 

Miami, Fl 33144

​teléfono celular: ​786 574 1019​​​

​La Medicina Alternativa y Natural de Miami

Miami Acupuntura #1

​​​​​​7175 sw 8 st, Suite 208

Miami, Fl 33144 ​​​

​teléfono celular: ​786 444 3232

Logo oficial of Miami Acupuntura
Logo oficial of Miami Acupuntura