Logo oficial of Miami Acupuntura
Logo oficial of Miami Acupuntura

​La Medicina Alternativa y Natural de Miami

Zi Shi Ying - Fluorite (Fluoritum)

Properties: Sweet, warm. Channels: Heart, Liver.

Action and indication:Sedates the Heart and settles tremors and palpitations: for disorientation, insomnia, palpitations with anxiety, or convulsions
due to either Heart blood deficiency or ascendant Liver yang. Warms the Lungs and directs the qi downward: for cough or wheezing due to cold from deficiency of the Lungs. Used for wheezing with copious sputum. Warms the Womb while warming and unblocking the Penetrating and Conception vessels: for excessive menstruation, uterine bleeding, or infertility due to cold from deficiency of the Womb.

Contraindicated in fire from yin deficiency

Dose: 9 -15 g

Miami Acupuntura #2

​​​​​​7988 sw 8 st, 

Miami, Fl 33144

​teléfono celular: ​786 574 1019​​​

Miami Acupuntura #1

​​​​​​7175 sw 8 st, Suite 208

Miami, Fl 33144 ​​​

​teléfono celular: ​786 444 3232